Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy


This application is owned and operated by Schreiber Foods, Inc., and one of its subsidiary divisions, Schreiber Ventures. Here at Schreiber Ventures, we recognize that many visitors to our site are concerned about the information they provide to us, and how we treat that information. So we’ve developed this Privacy Policy to address those concerns. 


The purpose of this website is to provide visitors with information about Schreiber Ventures, and allow visitors access to Schreiber Ventures products, services and other industry information. 

Types of information we collect 

At our site, we collect both personally-identifiable information and aggregate information. 

Personally-identifiable information relates to an individual visitor to our website and includes: name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, email address, and company name and address. We only collect personally-identifiable information from individuals who provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly, such as by registering at our site, or by providing name and address information and requesting follow-up contacts from us. We do not require visitors to register or provide this information to us in order to view our site or have access to its content – unless content is customer-specific. 

Aggregate information relates to such things as how many consumers visit the site, which pages they access, what information they download, the type of web browser and operating system they use, the name of their Internet Service Provider (e.g., America Online), and so on. When someone visits our site, we automatically collect this information, and combine it with similar information collected about all other visitors. By collecting this information, we learn how to best tailor our website to our visitors. 

How information is collected 

As we noted above, personally-identifiable information is collected from you directly and with your knowledge. Thus, when you register on the site, we collect the information you provide. When you enter a promotion, we collect the information needed for you to participate and for us to fulfill our obligations to you. When you email us, we collect the email address you supply, so that we can respond. 
We also collect aggregate, non-personal information on an ongoing basis when you view our website. The collection of this non-personal information is done either through “cookie” technology or with “web beacons” (also called ‘single-pixel gifs’), as explained below.


Like many companies, we use “cookie” technology on and off of our website. Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for purpose of keeping records. They enhance your online experience by saving your preferences while you are visiting a particular site. The cookies do not contain any personally-identifiable information and cannot profile your system or collect information from your hard drive. 

When you view our website we may place a “cookie” on your computer. Temporary cookies are used for purposes such as counting the number of visits to our sites. These temporary cookies are eliminated when you exit your browser. A permanent cookie may also be stored on your computer by your browser. When you log in, this type of cookie tells us whether you’ve visited us before or if you are a new visitor. The cookie doesn’t obtain any personal information about you or provide us with any way to contact you, and the cookie doesn’t extract any information from your computer. We do use the cookie to help us identify site features and recipes in which you have the greatest interest, so that we can provide more of what you may want. 

The help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Remember, though, that cookies allow you to take full advantage of all of Schreiber Ventures’ newest website features, and we recommend that you leave them turned on. 

Web beacons

Web beacons are Internet instrumentation that helps us to determine, for instance, whether a page has been viewed. When you ask us to send you information on a promotion or newsletter, we may use web beacons to determine how many of the emails we sent were actually opened. In general, any electronic image viewed as part of a web page, including a banner ad, can act as a web beacon. 


We may ask visitors to complete surveys and opinion polls about their attitudes and interests. Surveys help us to understand your needs. If sample answers to surveys are posted on the website site, no personally identifiable information will be included. If you participate in one of our surveys, you can be assured that we do not maintain any personal information about you in our databases as a result of the survey. 

How we use your personal information 

If you specifically agreed to follow-up contacts by us or asked to be put on our mailing list when you registered, we may contact you from time to time. For example, we may send you marketing or promotional materials; we may respond to your comments or requests for information; or we may contact you if needed in the course of processing a product or service you requested through our website. 

In the email section of our site, we ask for some personally-identifiable information, such as your name and phone number. We use this information only if we need to contact you directly because our attempts to contact you by email were unsuccessful. We do not use your email address for any purpose other than to communicate with you and as provided herein, unless we have your permission. 

We also use personal information about you to improve our marketing and promotional efforts; to statistically analyze website usage; and to improve our features and content. We may also use your personal information to deliver content that is customized to your interests as we best understand them from the information you’ve provided to us and your activities on the site. This customized content may include such things as recipes, banners, product information, and promotions. We do not collect personal information automatically, but we may combine non-personal information collected automatically (through cookies) with your previously submitted personal information. 

Schreiber Ventures’ primary goal in collecting personal information is to give you a meaningful and customized experience while you are using our websites.

Children and Data Collection 

We adhere to the federal privacy protection standards as stated in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). We care about the safety of children. We will not knowingly allow anyone under 13 to provide us any personally identifying information. Children under 13 years of age are required to obtain the express permission of a parent or guardian before submitting any Personal Information about themselves (such as their names, e-mail address, and phone number) over the Internet. If a child has provided us with personally-identifiable information without the consent of a parent or guardian, the parent or guardian of that child should contact the Privacy Officer immediately at We will use reasonable efforts to promptly delete the child’s information from our servers. 

Third parties who provide support services to Schreiber Ventures 

In the course of doing business, we employ other companies and individuals to perform a variety of functions on our behalf. For example, we hire agencies to help administer consumer promotions, to analyze data, to fulfill orders you place, and to provide customer service. These agents may have access to personal information if it is needed to perform their functions for Schreiber Ventures; however, they have agreed not to use it for other purposes and to maintain the information in confidence. 

Data sharing and transfer  

We do not sell, transfer, or disclose the personally-identifiable information we gather at our website to third parties without your prior consent. There are only two exceptions to this rule: (1) We will disclose information in cases where we believe in good faith that it is necessary to prevent a crime or an injury to ourselves or third parties; and (2) We disclose information to third parties who provide support services to us, as described above. 

There may be times when we share aggregate information about our visitors (for example, the percentage of male and female visitors to our site) with advertisers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties in an effort to customize or enhance the content and advertising of our site for our users. We may also aggregate data from web log files (such as your web browser, operating system, pages visited, etc.) to understand how users navigate the site and what features are most popular. 


We endeavor to protect your Personal Information using physical, electronic or procedural security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information in our control. These measures include safeguards to protect Personal Information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use and modification. 

We safeguard your Personal Information on the Internet by using industry-standard practices. Although “guaranteed security” does not exist either on or off the Internet, we make commercially reasonable efforts to make the collection and security of such information consistent with our Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards as appropriate to safeguard your Personal Information. 

Currently, our website utilizes a variety of different security measures designed to protect Personal Information by users both inside and outside Schreiber Ventures, including the use of encryption mechanisms (e.g., Secure Socket Layers or SSLs), password protection, and other security measures to help prevent unauthorized access to your personally identifiable information. This helps maintain the confidentiality, privacy, and integrity of your transactions, and helps to protect your confidential information – such as credit card numbers, online forms and financial data, from loss, misuse, interception and hacking. 

Choice and control 

You are ultimately in control of the personally-identifiable information you provide to us on our site. Therefore, we ask that you maintain and update the information in order to keep it current and accurate. Further, you can always change your preference for follow-up contacts just by emailing the Online team at the address listed below or by changing the information in Your Profile section of the site. Or, if you prefer, you can cancel your registration altogether and we will take prompt steps to remove your personally-identifiable information from our database. Email the Online team at the address listed below if you wish to take this action. 

How To Contact Us  

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, you may contact the Privacy Officer to access, correct or delete your Personal Information. If necessary, the Privacy Officer will contact another individual to assist in completing your requested task. The Privacy Officer can be reached at: 

By mail: 
Schreiber Ventures 
P.O. Box 19010 
Green Bay, WI 54307-9010 
Attention: Legal Department 

By phone: 
920-437-7601 or 1-800-344-0333 
(7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Central time, Monday through Friday) 

By email at: 


By accessing this site and providing information as described herein, you authorize Schreiber Ventures to collect and use such information according to this Privacy Policy. 

Changes to our Privacy Policy  

We will update this Privacy Policy occasionally. When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will also revise the “Last Updated” date below on our Privacy Policy. If there are material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by means of a notice on our home page. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to be informed of how we are protecting your information and to be aware of any changes to the Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the site after the posting of any amended Privacy Policy shall constitute your agreement to be bound by any such changes. 

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into any Terms and Conditions governing the various websites and any programs or services operated or managed by us on our behalf. Any changes to this Privacy Policy are effective immediately after being posted by us. 

LAST UPDATED: 07/06/23

Information regarding California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010 

Schreiber Foods’ Mission is to be the world’s leading customer-brand dairy company. We will achieve this by creating sustainable value for our customers with high-quality products, winning business solutions and exceptional service-all while enriching the lives of our partners and communities around the globe. 

Schreiber Foods Policy is to operate within the spirit and letter of the law and to maintain high ethical standards wherever we conduct business. Schreiber Foods does not condone or tolerate efforts or activities to achieve results through illegal or unethical dealings anywhere in the world. 

Schreiber Foods’ suppliers know that the Company is concerned not only with results, but also with how those results are achieved. We expect all of our suppliers to conduct their business with the same high standards. We will actively seek business relationships with suppliers who share our values and promote the application of these high standards among those with whom they do business. 
The State of California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010 (the Act) requires that manufactures and retailers disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from the supply chain. The following describes Schreiber Foods’ efforts. 

1. Engages in verification of product supply chains to evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery. The disclosure shall specify if the verification was not conducted by a third party. 

Every two years we evaluate our suppliers and identify high risk suppliers on a number of parameters including known risks and country locations. Forced and child labor is included in the known risk category, and we use the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) “List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor” as an aid in the evaluations. 

2. Conducts audits of suppliers to evaluate supplier compliance with company standards for trafficking and slavery in supply chains. The disclosure shall specify if the verification was not an independent, unannounced audit. 

Schreiber Foods requires that high-risk suppliers are audited by an independent, third party auditor at least every two years. These audits are announced beforehand, and the auditors utilize the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) Best Practice Guidelines and audit report format. 

One area that the auditor assesses is whether “employment is freely chosen,” i.e., there is no forced, bonded, or involuntary prison labor, and workers are not required to lodge “deposits” or their identity papers with their employer and are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice. 

3. Requires direct suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into the product comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the country or countries in which they are doing business. 

Schreiber Foods’ purchase order Terms and Conditions and Supplier Code of Conduct requires that all suppliers be in full compliance with applicable government, legal, regulatory, and professional requirements, specifically including Schreiber Foods prohibition on employing children, prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, and using corporal punishment or other forms of mental and physical coercion as a form of discipline. 

4. Maintains internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors failing to meet company standards regarding slavery and trafficking. 

Schreiber Foods employee policy handbook explains the standards to be followed in our business activities as well as our legal and ethical responsibilities. The policy handbook applies to all Schreiber Foods employees. Schreiber Foods also expects our suppliers to comply with the relevant aspects of our policy handbook and this is captured in our Supplier Code of Conduct. 

5. Provides company employees and management, who have direct responsibility for supply chain management, training on human trafficking and slavery, particularly with respect to mitigating risks within the supply chain of products. 

In addition to all the child and forced labor provisions outlined in the policy handbook, Schreiber Foods purchasing employees, including management, received additional training on slavery and human trafficking. The training covers: 

• The definition of human trafficking and forced labor 
• Why is it important to Schreiber Foods 
• The steps Schreiber Foods takes to prohibit forced labor 
• Steps employees can take to combat forced labor 

Global Code of Business Conduct and Social Responsibility

Schreiber Foods, Inc. and its subsidiaries have a responsibility to work with customers, suppliers, partners and advisors in a law-abiding manner and according to high ethical standards in every community in which they do business. Schreiber Ventures complies with all laws and governing regulations applicable in the country, state and local jurisdiction where business is conducted. All partners are encouraged to be good corporate citizens and to strive to become economic, intellectual and social assets to their local communities.   

As members of the Schreiber Ventures team, partners are expected to accept certain responsibilities and adhere to acceptable business principles. Partners build meaningful relationships based on collaboration, commitment and trust. Payments, gifts, contributions or similar inducements in the nature of bribes, payoffs, kickbacks, acts of corruption or having similar intentions are inconsistent with the practices of the Company and unacceptable as a way of doing business at Schreiber Ventures. 

No Schreiber Ventures funds shall be paid to any government official or political campaign in an attempt to influence the recipient’s decision or to encourage them to use their influence with other officials to affect their decisions. In countries where corporate political contributions are legally permissible, a case-by-case review will be required by the Executive Board. 

All financial records, assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses must be recorded in such a way as to provide accurate descriptions and controls to each and every transaction. 

Schreiber Ventures is committed to fair and open competition in markets around the world and partners are expected to comply with the antitrust/competition laws of countries in which they do business. 

Schreiber Ventures values diversity and protects the right of each partner to fair and equitable treatment. Schreiber Ventures partners treat all people with respect and dignity. 

Schreiber Ventures seeks to establish and sustain a positive environmental legacy for our company, our partners, our communities, our earth and future generations. Schreiber Ventures is committed to the prevention of pollution, the protection of the environment and the reduction of the global environmental impact of our business. 

Schreiber Ventures treats trade secrets and proprietary information about our business activities and our customers and suppliers with confidentiality. 

Our suppliers are required to provide a safe and healthful work setting for their workers worldwide by complying with the Schreiber Ventures Supplier Code of Conduct. 

All partners must conform to the highest ethical and legal standards and preserve Schreiber Ventures’ integrity and reputation. Our partners care about our customers, our suppliers, our communities and each other. All officers and department/team leaders are responsible to ensure this Global Code of Business Conduct is being followed within their areas of responsibility. All partners are responsible for their actions. The Company will not tolerate any unethical, illegal or discriminatory acts either by its partners or in the use of its financial resources. 

To report violations, go to the Trust Line and communicate through phone, email or anonymous message. Schreiber Ventures guarantees that all comments will be heard and all violations will be promptly investigated. Any partner found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. 

July 2023